Sunday, November 18, 2007

the WORLD closes early on Sundays

I base this statement on the fact that it was hard to find something to do today. Some of the always open options, like the Tower, were SUPER crowded but we were determined to do London things. We woke up a little early, and decided to museum it up today. Not the big, bad British Museum, but a couple of the other bajillion famous places around here. We went to the National Gallery, right across from Trafalgar Square, one of the must-hits on my list. Trafalgar Square was the location of a biiiig Turkey demonstration today - no real option of just Rita/Blaine with the lions especially when the Americans stink signs showed up in various places.

(This is from the porch, if such a Kentucky word can work here from the National Gallery).

After the gallery we hoofed to the Albert Victoria museum of weird stuff that could be art and could be crap. The last part is my personal add-on. Some parts were completely oh, let's say not my particular taste (seriously, one woman's art was to cover a screw with precious metal and put it in a wall) some were really very interesting (the rug from Turkey was COOL) and some were just awe-inspiring; like the plaster casts of famous cool stuff.
This is Trajan's column from Rome; full-size and copied in the early 1800's - this whole room was plaster casts of stuff from everywhere that are cool and the plaster casts are older than most of the stuff in our neck of the woods. It was by far our favorite room. After that we headed out to Indian food (another must do) and then to our neighborhood pub for a pint and a wind-down. We've adjusted to London time and we're getting ready for bed so we can do the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral tomorrow. It's odd; in a restaurant or museum it's easy to think that you could be in any urban area but step outside the doors and POOF - London. I'll be interested to see what happens tomorrow at some quintessential London hotspots. So good night, so long, and until tomorrow gentle readers!


kriscake said...

Can I see a picture of the Copperdays actually in london? For all I know you all are just posting scanned in postcards! I need proof people! *ahem* all that aside, I am glad you all are having a great time. Keep up the posting!

Tabitha said...

You haven't been to Harrod's! AACK! I can't believe it is so crowded there this time of year. When we went, the place was empty! They must have heard we were in town and fled the city. Sigh.