Saturday, November 17, 2007

We're Here

and we're completely exhausted. I *sort of* got crap sleep on the plane while Blaine got 1 teeny tiny catnap and is currently running on adrenaline and insanity (seriously he only got like 20 minutes). However, in an effort to try and get on London time if we nap it will be very short. I also have to say that while flying in to Gatwick was way cheaper and we'd probably do it again - it is VERY far away. Our flight got in at 9:30 GMT, we got to the hotel, with no dwadling, at noon. But we're here, we're clean and we're about to head out and brave the big bad city. wooo. London. (too tired to use exclamation marks but still SUPER excited)


Chris Dotson said...

Congratulations! Yeah, the long plane flights are no fun. A two hour nap should make you feel better.

Amy said...

Hey!! Glad to hear that you made it to London!! Have fun!!!